Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hugelkultur dreams

is going to be the second post on my blog sorry it's been so long I'm being mean update this actually have a lot of updates coming but there's a lot of pictures of some sort through homestead survival post a link to another blog and the article was actually on was on gardening in mounted piles of dirt basically polling in a bunch of dirt and build in the pile up airports in the works fairly well for him she did say that it did tim to dry out a little bit faster what he could have done was build up hugelkultur bed which basically uses a bunch of logs and smaller woody debris as biomass to be a sponge to hold of moisture in the soil and to help raise it up a lil bit more

an experiment i would like to try is to build 2 largish beds almost identical but on one use both a heavy rate of elm oyster plug culture on the logs and wood chip spawn mixed in the branches then compare how identical plantings and soil samples do in both beds over a couple years time i have a feeling that the oyster myc will perfect it the fungi eating the wood needs less N than bacterial decomposition would the myc will hold the soil together so you keep topping it and build it higher and steeper the myc will also pump water and nutes around acting like a cardiovascular system pumping the soils lifeblood around but thats my guess i could be wrong :) but even if i am wrong about all that and both beds end up about the same the mushie bed still wins cause once that sucker starts to fruit it ain't funna stop for 30-50 years half a lifetimes supply of mushies seems like a pretty good prize in and of its self

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