Monday, March 25, 2013

White knights vigils

When we are very small we understand this instinctively. Every holiday, fishing, or hunting trip filled me with wonder and joy so intense I could find no sleep. Tonight is another white night for me. My excitement for tomorrows Haag to the field museum has me filled with anticipation. I have used the time for reflection on my life and meditation.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

I'm a Nerd, a Geek, and proud about both.

I have many fandoms that make me a nerd. I immerse my self in a multiverse of fictons growing so close to some characters that I ache with their pains, and soar with their joys so much that it brings tears to my eyes. My life has had much more richness and depth because of fiction. My outlook on life has totally been shaped by this immersion in morality plays based on the actions of heroes who more often than not come from everyday backgrounds. I have walked through many cultures, times and worlds. I grok much goodness in being a nerd! I am a nerd about fiction but I'm a geek about Fractals, ecosystems design, and microbes especially fungi. Being a nerd taught me about the possibility of individuals to change the world; becoming a science geek has shown me a life path that will allow me to live, love, work, and THRIVE in a world of wonder. A majestic mind numbing ocean of never ending questions and possibilities awaits me. I want it in big fat delicious bites. I want to chew each new fact savoring it, before I digest it letting the data combine with the network of my mind. Fueling it's growth as it drives my hunger ever onwards. The desire to do more, become more, to see more and learn ever more is a hunger I will hold close and cherish. Riding it as I sail off beyond the sunset sea.

this post was inspired by this image 
from 's facebook feed